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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tips On Anything

Hello once more to MY blog! I welcome u all! meow....meow :3
Rite now this could be my most favorite blog EVER!! U know why?
Coz its Tips on ANYTHING!!! hahahahah so i can write whatever i WANT!!

Well anyways I'm going to write tips on how to cook "wet" fried rice......sounds funny I know...But u won't know unless u try it.... :)

Ok here's a little video I record on how to cook this particular fried rice...Hope u enjoy! and for God sake please don't laugh.... :3

Ok...after watching this I know u can only think of 2 things.....
1-my hair and clothing sucks rite?
2-I talk like a racing car....*sigh*
But I'm sure u guys understood it rite? Or I'll kill myself if u didn't...

Well now I'll tell u more detailed IF u didn't get the video k?

The ingredients 
Well...sorry about the picture...I forgot to rotate it but never long as u guys can see it k?
ok on to the tips....I'll give the tips to u one by one in order...But first lets talk about the ingredients first...

The ingredients
  • 1 Chicken (slice as much as u please)
  • 1 Garlic
  • 3 Onions
  • Sawi
  • 1 packet of White mushroom
  • 1 Carrot
  • Oregano (for flavor and smell)
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1chilli
  • 1 bowl of rice
  • a bottle of Oyster
  • 2 Eggs
  • Salt (if u already use oyster, then u don't have to use this)
  • Chicken seasonings
  • Onion leaf
Slices of chicken 




White  mushroom






Chicken seasoning
Onion leaves

Tips on how to cook "wet" fried rice
  1. Put the garlic first and fry it till it turns goldish color...(everyone knows this)
  2. Next, put the red onions after the garlic turns gold. Make sure u fry the onion nicely and don't wait too long or it'll turn black.
  3. Once u finished frying the onions, put the chicken in (since its the hardest to cook) and fry it again till it turns white. 
  4. Once the chicken turns white, put some seasoning into it to make it taste better. Yummy  :P
  5. Put some white mushrooms then, be careful though for they are easily fried so be sure to keep that in mind.
  6. Place the sawi next and fry them together.
  7. If ur not lazy, i suggest u get rid of the excessive water underneath the veggies since it'll take a longer time to finish ur cooking, but don't do it if u don't know what ur doing. (i warned u)
  8.  Then place the carrots (which is the hardest veggie to cook since its very thick) then keep frying it till it turns soft, but not too soft.
  9. Again put a little more chicken seasonings and some oregano. Oh U'll LOVE the smell!
  10. Then, FINALLY u can put the rice in. Be sure its already cooked! NOT the seeds!
  11. Then, u'll need to mix the rice properly together with the other ingredients. Be sure to mash the rice if they're bulbs around.
  12. Then, U can place the eggs next. Mix them together with the rice. Don't forget the chillies.
  13. Next, take the oyster and mix it with hot water. Then, once its nicely mixed to a soup, put it in the rice and stir them together. (please note that once u use oyster, u don't need the salt)
  14. Once u place the oyster the rice is going to be really wet so, place a cover on top and wait for a few minutes for it to dry a little (BE AWARE NOT TO LEAVE UR FOOD UNATTENDED)
  15. After a few minutes, the moment of truth! Its time for tasting! Once u put ur rice on plate, put the slices of tomatoes beside ur rice for deco and for the toppings, put the onion leaf.
  16. VIOLA!!! UR finished! A beautifully crafted masterpiece! 

Well thats all folks! If u still have any questions on how to cook this please....don't hesitate to ask.
Ok I G2G! C u on the next blog! Meow...meow...   :3
Bye bye!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hari Raya

Welcome back to my blog my feline friends (just a practical joke) meow...meow... :3
I hope u guys enjoyed my blog so far...Cause if u don't...hehehehe...I'll kill ur dog! (ok..I'm totally kidding XD )
Anyways, I'll start now... Hope u'll like this post to XD... raya this year?
Its not that much exciting cause I'm not going to my hometown this year....
Besides...Who is waiting for me there? My grandma and grandpa passed away when I was barely in Kindergarten. SOOO not cool! I wasn't able to enjoy raya with them at all :(
Anyways I'll just tell u a brief experience I have this year K?

This year isn't that much to say about though....I just went to my grandma's house (my moms side). Not that much to say but all I did this year is being with my grandma and my step-grandpa for a few hours though. But I did enjoy my grandpa's cooking! OMG!! I never thought that my grandpa can cook! Unbelievable that he cook better than me....How embarrassing! XS  He cooked chicken curry, some chicken sambal and a lot more....It was VERY satisfying....

Ampun Maaf
 After my Grandma's house visit...We went back home and this time for the muslim tradition. Supposedly done in the morning but it's my family's style to seek forgiveness to our parents almost afternoon. This happen thanks to my other bro's and sis's that have problems waking up! Anyways, we ask for forgiveness from our parents to cleanse our sins. After that, (here's the good part XD ) my daddy as usual will give us duit raya to spend or save during raya! Awesome! hahahaha.... I love the money part! :)
Me! In Putrajaya!

Well anyways after that I went with my sisters and my little brother to Putrajaya to have a little fun since me and my siblings don't have anything else to do....I didn't enjoy much today as u can see it on my face....heheheh I know...Its U.G.L.Y huh? Well anyways it was alright...

My siblings.. :)

Me and my siblings...Ugh I look angry.. :(

This are the people I celebrated my first raya with at the Alamanda Mall in Putrajaya. Nice place and its the 2nd time I've been there.... However, not all the stores are open... Luckily the cinemas are open, otherwise I won't enjoy the trip. In any case I was pretty lucky! XD

Alamanda Mall in Putrajaya

This is the place where I celebrated with my siblings at. Its a little fuzzy but if u really want to know about this place, just head to Putrajaya and u'll find it interesting. Try to come here not on raya coz it'll be almost-like empty. BOOORINNG!!! Ugh! should've gone to a better place X0 .

This is where my hometown is located...Well actually my mom's hometown. I lived in Malacca for quite some time when before I went to kindergarten. I loved my grandma and grandpa.... Its a shame that they have to leave early. *sob...sob...sob* Its sad :( but god loves them more so I can only pray for their calm and peace for their souls. Hahaha...funny, I was suppose to talk about my raya days but I'm now babbling about my past life. Well, just to be sure that u don't get bored k? Meow...Meow... X3

Well...I don't know what to say anymore... Guess I'm running out of ideas again huh? hihihi.... Just to give u readers a note... Hope u all enjoy ur raya's better than me k? (I think I said "k" To much huh?) hahahah sorry :P Anyways... I guess this is all for my blog... See u guys back next week ok? Bye2! Meow..Meow X3

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Colors Of Malaysia (Part 2)

Hai again......I'm finally going to start my second blog of the week....
Again its about the colors of Malaysia but part 2 this time. I know...I know.....ur gonna yawn again huh?
but don't worry, this blog won't be TOO long. I can promise u that. As u know I'm lacking ideas here so well, here I go  :P

The first topic of this title?.....
Its the culture of Malaysia.....
Sounds cool? Wait till I explain it to ya'll  XD

First I'm gonna start with the Malays....Since I'm Malay so hahahah....No complaints on the other cultures...k?
Ummmm....Meow....(Trying to be cute X3) hihihihi ok I'll start now

Selamat Hari Raya logo
This is the Hari Raya logo of my choice.....I like it coz its green and comfy. I love Hari Raya coz its my culture's celebration. But not just that, any other culture like Chinese or Indian or any other culture are welcome to celebrate this event with friends and family. Its a friendly celebration so ALL cultures are welcome to celebrate it with us Malays.

Clothes of Hari Raya day  
This picture up here is the clothes for guys and girls to wear during raya. Don't the girls and that little boy there look graceful and beautiful in their baju kurung and baju melayu. I can't wait to wear mine coz its custom made. Hahahhahah don't be jealous... :P anyways, these clothes are commonly worn by the Malays not just on Hari Raya, but also on daily basis since its easy to put on. Other than that it looks like it could go with any accessory that u guys can think of (well to me of course, but how about u??).

Ketupat...yum yum :P
The picture this time is the food that Malays eat during Raya. Its a simple yet complicate to make cuisine. Its delicious AND it makes u full in only a matter of minutes after u consume it. Just by looking at this picture makes me drool..... *sssssruuup* My mom makes the best ketupat and rendang... Yummy! U guys got to try it someday. hihihi :). Even so, this food can also be eaten on different days other that raya. U can even eat it while ur seating on a couch while watching the television.

Duit Raya (money is the best part) XD
Next is the best and something we Malays love the most! MONEY!!! Just like Chinese New Year, we get money call (duit raya) from our parents and relatives after we seek forgiveness to them...(just a simple *sorry* and the money will come flying rite into ur hands) hahahah easy rite? anyways u still have to promise to ur parents that u'll never do the bad things ur sorry to them ever again. Another way to get duit raya is that u go visit other people and they'll give u money in return for visiting them... But not all houses will give u money though :( . Not cool huh? I know rite, those houses are inhabited by stingy people! XD )

Bunga Raya (Fireworks) 
This picture of a happy boy here is playing bunga api a.k.a fireworks. We Malays adore playing fireworks during raya! why? Coz its FUN thats why! I usually play the simple yet friendly kind of firework which will not injure u if u know what ur doing. The most dangerous one I play during raya is the one played during the fourth of July. It has 20 in one box and all u gotta do is light em up and BOOM! 20 of them come out one by one and became a beautiful 20 flowers of fire in the sky. But u need an adult with u at least if u want to try it. Don't say I didn't warn u!

Happy Chinese New Year logo
The second in my list is Happy Chinese New year! Also I'm part Chinese (well, I'm 75% Chinese to tell u the truth). I choose this logo coz I LOVE dragons! They are my favorite fantasy creatures coz they're strong and cool! Hahahah! I should continue talking about this logo now huh? I like that circular symbol to! Look kinda mysterious rite? Or am I the only one thinking like that?If other cultures would like to celebrate this event the are more than welcome to do so.

Yummy! hhahah :)
I'm not good about explaining this particular food that Chinese people eat during Chinese New Year but I'll just give the basics. I dunno the name of this food to but I tasted it before so its not so bad and don't worry, its completely HALAL! So even Malays can eat it. Unlike ketupat however, this was only eaten during special occasions. So don't expect to find this during normal days.

Cheongsam (Female ONLY)
Isn't this anime picture of a woman wearing the cheongsam pretty? I like it so I used it on my blog. As u can see, many women during Chinese loved to wear this dress because it looks beautiful and elegant. Children usually wear Samfoo which is like half Cheongsam + pants. The fan this woman is holding is just for decoration but if ur interested...knock urself out. :)

Yay! Angpow XD
Oh yes! More on money! hahahah XD. Just like Hari Raya, children will be given angpows after their children or grandchildren come and say *Happy Chinese New Year* to them.Again, same like Hari Raya, u can visit ur relatives or friends and get money from them after visiting them. Nice huh? Whats best about it is that Chinese people are not stingy like Malays.... (Sorry but its the hard truth)

Lion Dance
The last thing about Chinese New Year is this! The Lion Dance! Its been formed by 2 people and they dance like crazy! But they pulled it through with string spirits. Its a very tiring dance so its better for people who have a lot of stamina. If ur not listening to my advice u might end up fainting in the scene. That would cause a MAJOR havoc for the people who are watching the dance. There is also one more type of dance which is similar to this one and its called the Dragon Dance. This dance is formed by more than 10 people because of the size. It requires more stamina but its worth watching since its danced during parades. It'll be very pretty.

At the end of the celebration they use fireworks as the end. Its always beautiful in the sky during that night that u'll be dumbstruck by its sheer beauty. I know that u'll hope to see fireworks like this one someday huh? I love it to so I'll be wishing to see it from now on. X3

WellI guess thats it for now.... Sorry I didn't have time to explain on other cultures. Its not like I hate them or anything....Just No time.... So guess I'll see u guys again on my next post! Bye bye for now! Meow I'm out! XD

Friday, September 3, 2010

Colors Of Malaysia

Malaysia RULZ!!!


     I'm back! and this time I'm going to tell u about all of  Malaysia's beauty and greatness!
I don't know if you'll enjoy it but What the heck! XD. I just write whatever comes into mind. If u think its boring I can understand why.... I don't have a lot of ideas for this topic but I'll do it anyway! If u have any comments, please feel free to do so... oh and this is my 2nd post of the week..... So ENJOY!!!

How do i explain..

Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) or also known as the twin tower.

    Well first of all I like to tell a bit about the KL's most tallest tower. This twin towers was designed by Argentine architects César Pelli and Djay Cerico under the consultancy of Julius Gold, the Petronas Towers were completed in 1998 after a seven year build and became the tallest buildings in the world on the date of completion.This tower has been Malaysia's proudest creation ever made. Can't deny its beauty though. Its even more BEAUTIFUL at night because of its lights on each floors. This tower is located in the centre of KL and has been an attraction towards tourists all over the globe. Even I was dumbstruck by its beauty.

Midvalley Megamall outside view at night

This is one of the entrance to the mall where they called it as the south court.

This is how midvalley looks like from the inside. This is at the center court of the mall.

     Ok moving on,.... this particular super market is VERY popular among families, youngsters and me! XD I really love to shop here cause its got loads of things..even the movies there rock! They provide unlimited choices of movies and their cinema is one of the cinema that provides the most movies ever. Usually, if any blockbuster movies come out, me and my family will book the ticket online and collect it there. Cause it will be a pain in the ass if we had to queue. If you guys want to know more about this particular mall u can just check it out at... Midvalley Megamall

1 Malaysia Logo
No racism as stated above. This is one of the objective of 1 Malaysia campaign.
Different kind of races in Malaysia and yet we live in harmony.

    Well u see this pic?? Yup u guessed it! Its a "one Malaysia" pic. What's special about Malaysia is that all the cultures live in harmony. No fights...just total peace. So mostly people from the outside wanted to come or even stay here in Malaysia.....Its cool that we get to meet people from different races of the outside world of Malaysia. That's why I'm PROUD to be a Malaysian. Wanna know more about "One Malaysia"? then click on:  1 Malaysia  .With this website u'll know all about there is to know on "One Malaysia".. Enjoy reading it...(Though I'm sure u'll be bored to death though)

Anyways..Moving on..


Next is the best part about Malaysia and my favorite! Well? can u guess? :)
I bet u do...Its the F.O.O.D!!!
Malaysian people really love to eat.
u can find all kinds of food here in Malaysia.

Roti Canai

Nasi Lemak
another look from sate. yummy~
Bak Kut Teh
Asam Laksa. My favourite! :)
This is what we called as " yong tau foo" (i'm not sure if i spell it right, but you will get the idea).
There's much of an option to choose from. This is the choices provided for yong tau foo.

    Look at ALL these pictures of food in Malaysia.....Don't they ever look soo umm..umm...ummmm yummy!Its soo mouth watering even I'm feeling hungry rite now....hahahahah XD. Well anyways all these food were specially made by different races like for an example, the nasi lemak (which is the most popular among malays) is made by Malays. Same with the satay but all races can make it the asam laksa (MY FAVOURITE) .. the bak kut teh and the yong tau foo are usually made by chinese.. while he roti canai and murtabak is made by Indians....I think...X3 I know ur all hungry rite now huh? hahahaha i know that I am. If ur all interested to try this delicacies.....then what are u waiting for?! Go out and have lunch, dinner, supper or whatever u wanna call it! Once u do I only got 1 thing to say "Happy Eating!!" XD munch...munch...munch..



Hibiscus. This is Malaysian flower
Pulau Redang. One of the best beach in Malaysia.

    As u see these picture, do u know what am I gonna talk about next?
    Wonder if u got it right???
    Anyways the answer is Nature of Malaysia!!!

    In Malaysia there a lot of beautiful trees and plants alike. They're beauty even matches the beauty of trees from different countries. On the first picture, u'll see the Hibiscus flower. This flower symbolises the Malaysian symbol. Its red is very unique and its pollens are cute too.. Beware to those who are allergic to pollen.. They would make u wanna....a....a....ACHOO! Excuse me.. Sneeze right? So stay away if ur allergic to pollen. The beaches are also the bomb! Check the beach pic I placed on the left side, nice huh? Wish I could go to the beach.. Its been a while since I hurt my foot on a sharp coral....OUCH! really painful. The orchid flower is just to show u... I don't know much about orchids but if u want to know type this website . Orchids . The last pic is the Rainforest which is supposedly filled with protected wildlife. Most of the animals living there are on the brink of extinction. OH NO!!!! We should help them.. Please, my readers be aware of these poor animals existence and save their precious lives. PROTECT THE WILDLIFE FROM EXTINCTION!!!


China Town or also called as Petaling Street in Kuala Lumpur
Aquaria, KLCC

Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, Melacca

KLCC of course!
A' famosa, Melacca
Pulau Sipadan, Sabah

Well I guess that's it for today.... I'm totally running out of ideas so I'll stop here for now. Hope u enjoy it cuz if u don't then u'll know what to do...
:P  ok everyone TTFN Tata for now!